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10 Health Benefits of Starfruit

Starfruit (Carambola) fruit typical form, the fruit is believed to have originated from Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka. Currently, the leatherback has spread to parts of Southeast Asia, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Peru, Ghana, Guyana, Tonga, and Polynesian. Commercial breeding is done in the United States, namely in South Florida and Hawaii. In Indonesia, this fruit has become one of the iconic cities of Depok, Jawa Barat, since 2007.

10 Health Benefits of Starfruit
The star fruit if we consider the fruit has a very unique shape and when the fruit is cut into 2 then the fruit will be shaped like a star. Star fruit flavor of this variety, there has sweet and sour taste, but the majority of whose name starfruit very sour taste it even more if it is star fruit starfruit young and immature.

Star fruit contains moisture which is quite a lot, but it also leatherback is often used as a salad because when eaten taste star fruit acids sweet mixes with the spicy taste of chili, creating flavors and sensations favored by most people in Indonesia. Star fruit we can get at the fruit shop, fruit market or in the supermarket which provides fresh fruit ready for consumption.

Ingredients Nutrition / nutrients found in star fruit :
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin C
  • Energy
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron

Here are the health benefits of star fruit :

1. Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants contained in the star fruit is very beneficial for our body against free radicals thatvcan cause disease. so that the immune system becomes stronger.

2. Treating High Blood Pressure

Potassium is an important component useful in helping to control heart rate and blood pressure of a person.

3. Prevent Cancer

The content of vitamin C contained in the star fruit is quite large. Vitamin C was classified into a very powerful antioxidant and helps the resistance against infectious agents, free radical and anti inflammatory.

4. Good For Digestion

The fiber content is pretty much the star fruit is excellent in protecting us from the dangers of colon cancer that can strike anyone at any time only.

5. Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels

Pectin substances contained in the star fruit can reduce cholesterol in the blood. The pectin will bind cholesterol and remove the bile secretions.

6. Healthy Hair

Vitamin B complex that is inside the star fruit is an important role in hair growth and make hair strong and healthy.

7. Good For Skin

The content of vitamin C in the star fruit can maintain the health of laborers and makes the skin appear luminous and radiant.

8. Good For Bones

Star fruit is very good for maintaining bone strength because the star fruit contains calcium which is very beneficial to bones and teeth.

9. Good For Eyes

The content of vitamin A contained in the star fruit is excellent in maintaining eye health.

10. Reduce Acne

Starfruit can be used as a reliever acne by:
  1. Star fruit puree
  2. Then rubbed on the face until thoroughly
  3. Let stand for 15-30 minutes
  4. Do at least 1 week

Hopefully this information adds to our knowledge about the benefits of eating fruits :-)

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