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Health Benefits and Side Effects of Eating Durian

Durian or who called the king of fruit is a fruit native to Southeast Asia region. Fruit that has sharp thorns has the Latin name Durio zibethinus contains many vitamins needed by our bodies. Including the king of fruits durian fruit which has a very fragrant aroma and delicious taste tempting. But for those who do not like it, the aroma of durian fruit can make them nauseous and dizzy.

health benefits and side effects of eating durian fruit
Indeed, there are still many people who do not know what benefit. We know that people usually do not effect the good only. Though this fruit also has many benefits for health and well here I will tell the effects of eating durian. So what are the benefits of durian for health and any danger? Let's us consider the following reviews.

Health Benefits of Durian

Prevent Depression
Durian fruit contains vitamin B6 which have a role to produce serotonin. Serotonin is what can be the role to ward off depression, so durian is great for warding off depression.

Increases Energy
Durian fruit is very useful to increase the body's energy instantly and quickly, so that the body would remain intact and able to perform the activity of a relatively dense very exhausting and mind. In 100 grams of durian fruit has actually been able to meet only about 21% of the needs of carbohydrates needed by the body.

Controls Blood Sugar
Durian contains manganese which is used to control blood sugar levels remain normal running order.

Treating Anemia
Folic acid content, copper and iron in durian very important role in overcoming the symptoms of anemia or lack of blood. For those of you who have symptoms of high blood pressure are not advisable to consume a lot.

Digestion Launched

The fiber content in durian fruit is great for keeping the digestive organs to work more optimally. Various types of digestive problems can be resolved such as constipation or constipation.

Nourish Bones and Teeth

The durian fruit has high levels of calcium, vitamin B1 and B2 are able to strengthen and maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Stopping Smoking Habit

For active smokers who want to quit, durian fruit for health benefits can be seen from the content of vitamins B6, B12, magnesium and potassium, which helps the body to eliminate the effects of nicotine addiction and you can also use the tips that I have given about 13 Best Ways to Quit Smoking with so you can completely stop this bad habit.

Harmful Effects Consuming Fruits Durian

Behind the magnitude of the health benefits of fruit durian, it turns out there is a danger that is ready to threaten the health and even cause death. Approximately what are the dangers? for more details, see the following reviews :

Cause of Death Fetus
Eating durian during pregnancy can harm pregnancy and fetal condition, because the durian has the effect of heat in the stomach due to high alcohol content. Therefore, pregnant women should avoid excessive consumption of durian fruit.

Causing High Cholesterol
Durian fruit contains very high cholesterol so that it can be harmful for you who previously had a history of cholesterol. Yet as we know, high cholesterol can lead to dangerous complications of the disease.

It turned out that behind the taste and aroma tempting, we still have to eat durian wisely so as not to harm the health of the body. Need to know! with their harmful effects is not to say durian is not good for consumption. You have to see again the amazing benefits of durian fruit on top. The presence of these harmful effects, it means we must be firm in eating durian, do not consume excessive durian, consume in moderation. Hopefully this information is helpful to us all.

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