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Avocados Tremendous Benefits For Health and Beauty

Avocado can be regarded as the fruit is remarkable, because in addition to the delicious taste, it also has many benefits for health purposes. There are some opinions that say if eating avocado is bad because it contains a lot of fat, but actually the fact is not the case. Even with eating avocados can actually help us to feel full longer, so it's good to help control overweight.

health benefits of avocado
This fruit originated in Central America and Mexico, but now quite a few are cultivated as a crop monocultures or yard of a house in tropical regions such as Central America and South America.

Avocado are one type of fruit that has been known by most of us. With the soft texture of the fruit flesh makes this fruit is easily consumed and very tasty on the tongue. Not a few of us make juice from the fruit of this one. However, behind it tastes so good, the fruit also contains many essential nutrients required by the body. So it is no wonder many miraculous benefits of the avocado fruit.

Health tips this time will review the various magical benefits of avocado for health that will awaken the reader, that avocados contain that was so amazing for your body's health.

Avocado contains more than 25 essential nutrients including Vitamins (A, B, C, E, and K) and minerals such as copper, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, iron.

Here are the results obtained from many studies that have been done by scientists to figure whether it really saved a lot of essential nutrients that bring the benefits of avocado for health :

Skin Lightening

Avocados can hydrate dry skin and reduce fine lines on the skin. Avocados can also brighten the skin. The fruit is often used in various cosmetic products, such as moisturizers and cleansers. Avocados also can control itching caused by dry skin.

Good for Pregnancy
Avocado is a natural source of folate, which is very important for the healthy development of the fetus. A synthetic version of folic acid recommended for all women who are planning to become pregnant, and eating an avocado is an option that is more simple, tasty and natural.

Accelerating Absorption Nutrition
Based on a study conducted several years ago revealed the news that certain nutrients that enter the body can be absorbed better, faster and much more effectively when eaten in conjunction with the avocado. As proof, again a research conducted to ascertain the truth of it. Two people eat salad, one of which included avocado while the other is not, after checking it is true of the people who ate a salad in which there are avocados help the absorption of nutrients five times better than those who did not.

Peeventing Stroke
Preventing Stroke fairly effective. This is because, avocado contains vitamin E, which serves to lower the oxidation koleterol that will prevent someone exposed to the deadly stroke.

Prevent Acne

Consuming avocado regularly can help to control acne effectively. Avocado can also make skin supple and glowing.

Avocado is Food For The Brain

Avocado is one of the brains of healthy food and the best that can be taken to help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Vitamin E and Omega 3 which is naturally present in avocados have been clinically proven capable of halting Alzheimer's disease, and may even be able to restore to the very early stages.

Maintain Eye Health
Eating avocados can increase the intake of Lutein, which will protect us from macular degeneration and cataract formation. Further research is needed to determine exactly, what exactly can help protect the health of the eyes of the avocado.

is a carotenoid part of that is naturally produced in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts plants. Lutein is responsible for maintaining the health of human eyesight. Research also suggests that high levels of lutein in avocados can minimize the risk of disorders of the eye, especially macular degeneration and cataracts.

Keeping Heart Health

Avocados may help to maintain heart health. This is because the avocado is rich in folate, which is an important element for the health of the body and can avoid the various problems of the heart. A cup of avocado juice can already be sufficient for 23% of folate daily needs. In addition, monounsaturated fats, glutathione, and vitamin E contained in avocado is also beneficial for heart health.

Containing Potassium
Potassium belong to the mineral used by autonomic nerves control heart rate, brain function, and other important physiological processes. Fruit that is predicted to contain potassium are banana over, but the facts prove that turns avocado contains more potassium than banana. Approximately two times more potassium content compared to banana avocado.

Efficacy of an avocado because high potassium :
  • Maintaining the stability of the fluid, electrolyte and acid-base in the body
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Helps reduce exercise-induced muscle pain or sports, such as long distance running and fitness

Healthy and free of insecticide residues
Until now there was no avocado crops are genetically engineered. Avocados have a thick skin, so that the fruit core is protected from pesticides. for that reason, avocados can be regarded as organic fruit.

It's easy to add the avocado into your healthy diet, because these fruits can be added to foods such as salads. Avocados are also delicious eaten alone,or added to fresh fruit ice. Frankly, I like this avocado fruit into juice while at present, of the many types of fruit juices, juice avocado juice is my favorite and really very favorite :-D

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