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9 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating 2 Bananas a Day

Many people believe that bananas can make the body is always in a state fit, besides Bananas also store a variety of health benefits that you may not know. Bananas usually have yellow skin when ripe is one of the fruits that grow in tropical climates, easy to obtain, cheap price and have been widely known as one type of fruit that has many nutrients that are good for health. Even bananas can also be used as a full breakfast menu, to be energized in running day activities.

health benefits of bananas
Bananas are very well taken by pregnant mothers to help fetal development. This is because bananas contain nutrients such as potassium and folic acid. Bananas helps the body to keep a backup of calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, which serves to build the repair and regeneration of tissue in the body. Bananas also contain many important vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. Let us refer to the explanation of some of The Health Benefits of Bananas following :

1. Boost Your Mood

The content of vitamin B6 in bananas or tryptophan has a very important role in the formation of the hormone serotonin, which is able to manages mood. If you are in a bad mood such as depression, chaotic, stressful, Bananas are useful to help improve mood so the mood becomes stable.

2. As Energy Source
Natural sugar content contained in these bananas able to quickly converted into energy in the body. Banana contains some natural sugars, such as fructose, sucrose and glucose. Eating two bananas a day, it can increase endurance and increase energy.

3. Improve Blood Circulation

Bananas in potassium and potassium that are useful to help circulation. In the end the circulation of oxygen to the brain becomes more smoothly.

4. Streamlining Digestive System

Bananas are very easy to digest. When you experience indigestion or suffering from certain diseases, bananas are fitting into a source of nutrients that make digestion does not work or is too hard to digest. Eating bananas regularly can help the digestive system performance to be better.

5. Preventing Heart Disease

Banana can be used to prevent heart disease, it is because bananas contain vitamin C and flavonoids which are antioxidants and can prevent the oxidation of fat, the banana is a good tonic for the heart. Fiber pectin take effect in helping to lower cholesterol.

6. Treating Heartburn
Banana is used as a solution when the skin is attacked by an ulcer. This is because bananas contain substances antidote acid in the body and thus can relieve heartburn.

7. Overcoming Anemia
Eat two bananas every day, then it is sufficient to make the anemia was saved. Bananas have an iron content high enough so it is suitable for patients with anemia.

8. Lose Weight

For those who have problems with the conditions of weight, then regularly eating a banana is an easy way to help you lose weight. complex carbohydrates contained within the banana will not raise glucose levels drastically, besides bananas are also low in fat, making it safe for the participants weight loss program.

9. Treating Acne

This disease is not so dangerous to our health, but very disturbing appearance for the sufferer. How to use bananas to treat acne is, first crush fruit pulp of ripe banana. Then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few minutes then wash using water. Repeat this way for several days until the acne is gone and the skin becomes clean.

The above is 9 amazing health benefits of eating 2 bananas a day are useful to meet the nutrient in your body. Bananas benefits or efficacy of the above may be only a small proportion of the many benefits of these bananas. Given the many nutrients found in bananas, you can make a banana as one of the mandatory food you every day.

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