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Things You Should Know The Health Benefits of Eating Melons

Melon (Cucumis melo) was related to squash, cantaloupe and watermelon. Melon is the name of the fruit that is included in the tribe gourd or Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is usually eaten fresh as a table fruit or sliced ​​as a mixture of ice pieces. The part that is eaten is the fruit flesh. Its texture is soft, white to red, depending on cultivar. Melon moisture content is quite a lot.

Health benefits of melons
Melon fruit flavor almost similar to watermelon because watermelon melon is a close relative. Melon has a lot of fans, and it's not just a figment but it's a fact proven by the melon fruit is always available on any market or supermarket fruit peddling fresh fruits.

Prices are relatively affordable melon depending on the type and size of the fruit, melon, besides having good taste, has a lot of benefits to our body that are rarely known by the public, then what are the health benefits of melon?

Nutrients contained in melons :
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Total Carbohydrates
  • Dietary Fiber
  • Sugar
  • Protein

Melon health benefits for our bodies

Preventing Diabetes and Stroke

Melon also includes fruit and low in calories and low in fat. Consuming fresh fruits such as melons can help reduce the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes and stroke.

Prevent Cancer

In melon contains carotenoids, carotenoids are the giver of color on the fruit which if the higher amount of carotenoids is beneficial so that it can prevent some cancers.

Nourish Our Eyes
Benefits melon can also nourish the eyes, the fruit is enriched with beta-carotene content of substances that are useful to improve the sharpness of vision and eye health. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A and are used fix improves the functioning of the eye.

Counteract Free Radicals

Antioxidants contained in the melon is very helpful in maintaining the health of our body against free radicals that can cause various diseases.

Helps Streamlining Digestive Organs

The water content and fiber that is high enough in melon fruit will nourish the digestive organs and will prevent the symptoms of constipation or bowel movements difficult.

It turned out that in addition to good to eat and a refreshing, melons also contains many health
benefits. So do not hesitate to consume melons. I hope this article can be useful for all of you who want to live a healthy life by eating fruit from right now.

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