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9 Health Benefits of Lemons

Lemon or also known as lemon is a citrus varieties commonly used to mix a variety of processed foods and beverages. Lemons have a scientific name Citrus Limon, is one of the types of citrus fruits are the most popular in the world. However, because the taste is very sour, this is not usually eaten whole. Most only eaten after slice as garnish along with the food, and is often used to give a sour taste in fruit juice drinks.

Health Benefits of Lemons
What causes a lemon to be so beneficial to health? None other than the content contained therein. As with other citrus fruits, lemon also has a high vitamin C content. There are also the content of vitamin B5, vitamin B3, vitamin B1 and B2, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates, fat and protein, fiber, zinc, sugar, iron.

Orange is also the main ingredient in the manufacture of lemonade. Lemon is a high source of vitamin C and fiber, and contain many plant compounds, minerals and essential oils. Eating lemon juice can help lower the risk of heart disease, kidney stones and cancer.

Lemon juice for health benefits are as follows :

1. Lose Weight

Consuming lemon juice in the morning is believed to help women to lose weight. How, to prepare a glass of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir until blended. Take one lemon, cut into 4 pieces and squeeze the juice into warm water before, stir and drink. For maximum results, use pure honey without any added sugar.

2. Orange Lemon Troubleshooting Digestion

If you have digestive problems, stomach, or gastritis, drink only lemon juice and hot water. May be coupled to munch a few dates to resolve the issue.

3. Prevention of Kidney Stones

The citric acid in lemons can increase the volume of urine, which can help prevent the formation of kidney stones . Several studies have shown that lemon and lemon juice can be effective to prevent kidney stones.

4. Orange can fight free radicals

The free radicals that enter the body through food or air can make it susceptible to cardiovascular disease and cancer. Lemon with a high antioxidant that can fight free radicals in the body and cleanse the system.

5. Maintaining Dental Health

Lemon juice can help ease toothache. In addition it is also efficacious in whitening teeth. You do this by regularly consuming fresh lemon juice. Consumption of lemon juice can also help heal inflammation of the gums and eliminate bad breath.

6. Preventing Cancer

Lemon can help reduce the risk of various cancers, it is mainly because contain substances such as limonene and hesperidin

7. Breathing launched

In addition to digestion, breathing can also smooth thanks to the lemon juice in the morning. For people with asthma or allergies often have a cough, try to regularly consume warm lemon water in the morning.

8. Orange Lemon Good For Beauty

Lemon is very good for skin care and hair. Eliminate acne, black spots on the skin, dandruff, hair loss and itchy scalp.

9. Lowering High Blood Pressure

Lemon juice is also believed to maintain heart health and some diseases arise because of heart problems such as high blood pressure. Diets high in potassium are also believed to help relieve headaches, nausea, helps your mind and body relax, reduces stress and mental depression.

Actually there are many benefits of this fruit, and the above are some brief explanation from me about the benefits of lemons.

Conclusions of lemons :

Lemons contain some vitamins and minerals, namely:
  1. Vitamin C: Is an antioxidant important for immune function and skin health
  2. Potassium: A diet high in potassium can lower blood pressure and have a positive effect on cardiovascular health.
  3. Vitamin B6: Vitamin had a role in converting food into energy.

In essence, lemon is rich in vitamin C, and also a source of potassium and vitamin B6, which is good enough.

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