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Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Mangosteen

Fruit that has a purple-black skin does have a very high antioxidant content. Besides the mangosteen fruit also contains nutrients that are beneficial to health and beauty. Mangosteen fruit is also known to be very powerful to overcome a wide range of health problems.

Mangosteen has the Latin name Garcinia mangostana L is a kind of evergreen trees of the tropics are believed to come from the archipelago. Almost all parts of the mangosteen fruit benefits can be taken, ranging from the mangosteen fruit, peel mangosteen, until the seeds. No wonder if the mangosteen fruit dubbed queen of fruits.

You who do not know about the benefits of mangosteen may wonder why mangosteen fruit is very good for the body? This is because the amount of nutrients that are found in the mangosteen fruit, such as catechins, polysaccharides, polyphenols, stilbenes and quinone.

Polysaccharides and Quinone are known as anti bacterial, so it can protect the body from bacteria anywhere. Catechins found to contain five times the antioxidants than vitamin C, they also have a function as a cancer preventive. While Stilbenes are substances that can prevent a variety of fungi that harm the body.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen
health benefits of mangosteen
Inhibits Aging
According to some studies, the content of natural antioxidants found in the mangosteen fruit can inhibit the aging process. The antioxidants in mangosteen will always fix the tissue, so we'll look younger.

Preventing Cancer

Mangosteen fruit contains xanthones which can function as an anti-cancer. Mangosteen peel extract is anti proliferation to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, in addition to the mangosteen peel extract is also destroyer of cancer cell apoptosis.

Preventing Kidney Stones

Someone who consume mangosteen fruit will often have to urinate. Most of the disease suffered by men. For prevention to avoid kidney stones disease, should consume mangosteen fruit as much as 3 ounces or more each day.

Preventing Diabetes
Preventing or Treating diabetes by eating the mangosteen fruit is very good. This is because the mangosteen fruit contains a substance that can normalize blood pressure, restore energy and reduce excess blood sugar.

Preventing Heart Disease

Heart disease occurs because the blood vessels around the heart loses its elasticity. And the mangosteen fruit can restore the elasticity of blood vessels through the antimicrobial and antioxidant owned the fruit. Maintaining heart by eating the mangosteen fruit was the right decision.

Lose Weight

The content of Xanthones than beneficial for preventing diabetes and heart disease, Xanthones substance is also useful to soften back in the cells membrane that has been enlarged and hardened together with the size of the body, so it is good to consume the mangosteen fruit for weight loss.

Increase Stamina
Mangosteen turned out to have an important role in the absorption and metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates that can help maintain stamina so that our body is always healthy and vigorous.

Nourish the Skin, Eyes and Hair

According to the research by nutrition experts, the mangosteen fruit can help make the skin, eyes, teeth, gums and hair healthier. By simply taking the queen of this fruit, we can benefit as a whole only by consuming mangosteen fruit every day, is simply amazing.

How to Make Peel Mangosteen Juice
how to make peel mangosteen juice
The skin of the mangosteen has properties and benefits that are very large, so do not rush to remove the skin after consuming mangosteen fruit. Try making your own brew from the rind of mangosteen, although it felt a little bitter, but great nutritious.
  • Rinse peel mangosteen.
  • Cut the rind of mangosteen.
  • Boil mangosteen peel pieces with four cups of water until the remaining two glasses.
  • Furthermore, strain the cooking water of the mangosteen rind and is ready to be enjoyed.

Need to know :
Some cases may arise due to consumption of mangosteen rind in the form of flour without good treatment, such as disorders of the kidneys and intestines as well as in other organs.

The skin of the mangosteen fruit contains high levels of resin, crude fiber, tannins and other components that can not be digested at high levels.

Those are some explanations about the Amazing Health Benefits and Uses of Mangosteen that I can give. To get the properties of the mangosteen fruit to the maximum, you can consume on a daily basis. Can be consumed directly or made fresh juice drinks.

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